Steampunk Dollhouse

Reading Your Rights

Hosted by Library-Agent Bluestocking and broadcasting from deep within the Library, Steampunk Dollhouse is a podcast for deep-dives into steampunk literature and how it relates to colonialism and postcolonial societies, intersectional theory and the damage technology can do when we don't understand its potential.

A Wind-Up Girl Studios Production
in association with Simply Adorkable

Episode 9 - Mechanical Horse and a Willow Tree

or, How a Young, Jewish Woman Decided to Grab Destiny by the Horns  with Emily Barton's The Book of Esther

Show Notes

Today’s Book(s):
The Book of Esther

An interview with Emily Barton [Interview by J. Peacock]. (2015, April 1).

Book of Esther

Podcast Recommendations:
The Clockwork Cabaret

Steampunk November
Wild West Victorian Fest

Steampunk Dollhouse Patreon
Mahometan and Celestial - Chartered Purveyors of Bespoke Modernities
Audible - The Book Smugglers: Partisans, Poets, and the Race to Save Jewish Treasures from the Nazis by David E. Fishman.

Episode Music courtesy of FreeMusicArchive.Org:
“Baby I’m Not Your Lady” by Singing Sadie
“daughter no more” by Martha Rose
“Good-Night” by the Knickerbocker Quartet

Episode Sounds courtesy of FreeSound.Org

Contact Us!
Twitter: @spdhpod
Facebook: /SPDHPod

Today’s Secret Message:  deity flours nullifying

The Steampunk Dollhouse is a Wind-Up Girl Studios Production. It is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share-Alike 4.0 International license. It is written and produced by Elizabeth Headrick.

[steampunk, steampunk novels, steampunk literature, steampunk librarian, steampunk lifestyle, post-apocalypse, steampunk survival guide, steampunk music]