Below you will find a surprisingly well-kept copy of A Steampunk's Guide to the Apocalypse, created by Margaret Killjoy in 2007. These pages were located in some blasted-out hotel ruins in Piscataway, New Jersey. They were buried beneath the torn and twisted shards of an excessive amount of gears and goggles. The purpose of such a profusion of gears and goggles has yet to be determined however the usefulness of the excavated pages cannot be overstated.
**Disclaimer: it should go without saying but if it isn't said than some asshole will inevitably get themselves into trouble so DO NOT DO THIS STUFF. Quite a bit may be impractical, dangerous and even illegal, depending on the activity and what city/state/country you're currently in. And remember, common sense will be the most important piece of survival gear in the days to come.
June 15, 2017
June 30, 2017
July 17, 2017
August 18, 2017
September 14, 2017
Ms. Killjoy has graciously given us permission to utilize her guide within the Steampunk Dollhouse podcast. This guide was first released in 2007 as a companion to Steampunk Magazine, a delightful publication that is, sadly, no longer being produced. Both the magazine and the survival guide are still available (for purchase or download) by going to
For more information regarding Ms. Killjoy's current passions and projects, please visit